10/7/2022 - CWA Reaches Agreement on First Contract at EveryAction/Bonterra





OCTOBER 28, 2022


Fellow CWA Local 1400, 2336, 13000 / EA Members,


The ballot results are in from all of the Locals and with an overwhelming 84% of the vote, the Tentative Agreement has been ratified!


This contract will take effect as of October 6, 2022. 

Wage changes will be retroactive back to September 16th.


Congratulations to all members who have spent the past two years organizing, mobilizing, and making themselves heard! 


This contract is a culmination of a lot of hard work, but it is also just the beginning. Let’s continue building solidarity and growing our Union! Join us at our next Mobilizing Committee meeting on Thursday, November 3 at 8pm ET to discuss what our next steps are post-ratification—like how stewards are chosen among our three locals, what contract enforcement looks like, and more.


Remember: YOU are the union!

In Solidarity,

Your CWA Bargaining Team


Tonya Hodges, CWA Staff Representative; Don Trementozzi, President, CWA Local 1400; Melissa Smith-Kupihea, President, Local 2336; Keri Evinson, Executive VP, CWA Local 1400; Jeff Reamer, Executive VP, CWA Local 13000; Karen Cusson, Recording Secretary, CWA Local 1400; Mike Murray, CWA Local 1400; Grace Duginski, CWA Local 2336; MJ Flott, CWA Local 13000; David Rosenthal, CWA Local 1400