CWA President Claude Cummings Jr.'s Statement on Election Results:
We Must Move Forward, Together
November 6, 2024
The election is over, the votes have been counted, and Donald Trump has, once again, been elected President of the United States. While this was not the outcome that many CWA members and retirees had worked toward, I am proud of the work we did in support of pro-worker candidates.
Now it is time to re-unite around our shared values. No matter who is in office, our goals are always the same - to use our collective power to protect our rights, to improve our working conditions and give everyone an opportunity to have a union voice on the job. Corporate CEOs are intent on dividing us against each other so they can drive down wages and cut corners on safety to boost profits for big investors. We cannot let that happen.
Just as I was vocal in support of our endorsed candidates during the election, I will not hesitate to speak out when our union or our members are under attack for any reason. I urge every one of you, no matter who you supported in this election, to join me.
This is a time of challenge and transformation for our union and our country. We have faced difficult challenges before. We must move forward, together, as we fight for our families and our country’s future.
Help Build Our Union's Political Power
Working people are under attack from corporations and the super-rich. Join us to fight back! Help build our movement for working class power.
The Political Action Fund allows the union to build the kind of power that leads to big victories. The reality is we can't compete with hedge fund billionaires or Wall Street bankers when it comes to political contributions to candidates. But when we have thousands of members, like you, giving a bit every week, it adds up. It's about power in numbers. It's how we are able to elect pro-labor, pro-working families candidates to office and un-elect politicians who support Wall Street over working people.
When we stand together, we win. Join fellow CWA members by giving to the Political Action Fund
If you are a CWA member, you are eligible to contribute to the CWA Political Action Fund.
Online Forms: Credit Card | Debit Card | E-Card (AT&T Employees only)
Together, we will continue to fight to:
Strengthen workers' rights by passing legislation like the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act that will make it easier for private and public sector workers to organize unions and bargain fair contracts.
Build a fair democracy by passing legislation like the For the People Act so our government serves the people, not just wealthy and corporate interests, and everyone can exercise their right to vote.
Protect good, union jobs by stopping offshoring and outsourcing of work and eliminating rules like "One-Touch, Make-Ready.”
Ensure the tax code works for everyone by making the super-wealthy and corporations pay their fair share.
Ensure quality, affordable internet access to all, built by union workers.
October 2022 - CCI Member Robin Rice (2nd on the right) at Maine AFL-CIO Labor Deep Canvassing Training
Bernie Sanders pickets with Verizon Workers in NYC
10/26/15 03:51 PM, Updated 10/26/15 06:17 PM By Aliyah Frumin
NEW YORK – Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took his muscular attacks on wealth inequality and corporate greed to New York City on Monday, joining approximately 200 Verizon workers and union members in Times Square as they rallied for a fair contract and to rehire an employee who was allegedly fired after she spearheaded an organizing campaign.
“Let me get to the point,” the Vermont senator told the crowd, which repeatedly chanted his first name. “The middle class in this country is disappearing and what Verizon is doing to their workers is exactly what has got to be fought if we are going to rebuild the American middle class.”
“What this campaign is all about is saying to corporate America ‘you cannot get it all.’” Sen. Bernie Sanders
Verizon is currently in heated negotiations with the Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers after a contract covering 39,000 workers expired in August. The unions have said the telecom company, even as it rakes in big profits, wants employees to diminish their job security, increase their health care contributions and make concessions on pensions.
CWA separately contends that Brooklyn-based Verizon employee Bianca Cunningham was given the retaliatory boot after she helped a bullied worker. Rich Young, a Verizon spokesman, told MSNBC the union was “flat-out wrong” in its characterization of what happened to Cunningham, adding that she was not targeted and that her “conduct was subject to the same standard as all employees at Verizon.”
In terms of the contract negotiations, Young said Verizon has been trying to work with union leaders to reach a deal since June. “Unfortunately, while we’ve worked hard in trying to meet that goal, week after week union leaders issue a myriad of distracting mischaracterizations, distorted facts and innuendo. These PR stunts do nothing to help advance the bargaining process. Verizon remains ready to hold serious discussions and engage in meaningful negotiations that will result is a fair and balanced agreement.”
Sanders, who has frequently argued for greater protections for workers on the campaign trail, told union members – several of whom held signs emblazoned with “Stop Verizon Wireless corporate greed” outside one of the company’s retail stores – that their struggle is symptomatic of what’s happening in the rest of the country.
“You’ve got corporate America making huge profits. Their CEOs get huge compensation packages and then with all of their money, what they do is they hire lawyers in order to make it harder for workers to survive in this country,” Sanders said. “What this campaign is all about is saying to corporate America ‘you cannot get it all.’ That when worker productivity is skyrocketing, you’ve got to pay your workers decent wages, you’ve got to respect and negotiate with workers for decent contracts.”
The self-described democratic socialist spoke for about five minutes before jumping into his black SUV as workers continued to rally. CWA has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate. But his appearance on Monday could certainly help.
Cunningham, 30, told MSNBC that Sanders is “a voice for the American people.” Dennis Trainor, vice president of CWA District 1, said the union – which represents 600,000 workers – was currently polling members on which candidate it should endorse. Trainor said Sanders’ appearance would likely help him curry favor among union members, noting Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton “was very good but she hasn’t shown up at any of our rallies yet.”